How to Use a POS Machine

Before we talk about using a POS machine, we would like to clarify that there is technically no such thing as a POS machine. Instead, it is mainly used to refer to a point of sale system or a card terminal. Now that we have cleared that up, let’s dive right into the main topic of the day – “How to Use a POS Machine.”

Olufifun A.Content Writer
November 11, 2021 10 mins
how to use a pos machine
November 11, 2021 10 mins

Before we talk about using a POS machine, we would like to clarify that there is technically no such thing as a POS machine. Instead, it is mainly used to refer to a point of sale system or a card terminal. Now that we have cleared that up, let’s dive right into the main topic of the day – “How to Use a POS Machine.”

Typically, a POS machine combines both software and hardware, with the central system being any digital device that has an EPOS application installed. This can be either be a laptop, desktop computer, or even a tablet. In addition to that, some other hardware might require a card machine, cash drawer, credit card terminal, barcode scanner, receipt printer, etc. Keep reading to find out how you can start using this system.

Software Setup

Before you start using the POS system, you need to set up your software. To do this, you have to configure your account by providing your business details such as location, name, number of outlets, etc. Fortunately, most POS systems come with an easy interface and interactive guides to put you through the entire process.


After that, you need to upload your products. With some POS systems, you can upload a .csv file. However, if that feature is not available, you will need to enter all the products manually. You might need to enter some information, including Product Name, SKU, Product Description, Product Category, Cost Price, Supplier Name, etc. Once that is done, you can set up different user accounts/profiles and roles on the system.

Hardware Setup

The next step is to set up your hardware, which depends on the hardware your business requires. In this case, you need to contact your POS provider to get the exact steps to follow to install and set up the hardware. However, below are some generic steps you can follow to set up your hardware.

  • Switch on your hardware.

  • Connect it using the available internet.

  • Pair it with your point of sale software.

In addition to that, you might have to configure the software to recognise the available payment types. You can contact your payment processor to help you set it up effectively.


Payment Setup

Finally, you need to set up your payment service on the POS system. To do this, you will need to know what payment type is compatible with the POS software you are running. You can get this by going through the information on the POS system. If you cannot find it, you might have to contact your POS supplier to know. Otherwise, you might have to contact your payment service provider to help you with the setup.


Once you are done with all the setting up and your payment hardware is connected to the software, the POS system is ready to receive payments when customers buy a product. Aside from accepting payments from customers, you can also use the POS machine to manage your employees’ activities, loyalty programs for existing and new customers, automate marketing software, and many more. Go on to set up your POS machine today and start to improve your business activities and customer interactions.

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